Indah Lestari Harahap

Population Identity :

Religion : Islam
Full name : N Hardiansyah Fatih, M.Kom,. MTC
Date of birth : Lubuglinggau / 10 Nov 1990
Work : Lecturer at UINDRA University

I’m familiarly called by the nickname PEPE or KANG PEPE, I came from and was born in Lubuklingau Palembang province, living from a lower middle class family. parents work as farmers and aspire to make their children an educated and noble person. I’m the 4th child of 4 siblings. from nasab descendants of Syain Al Fatih

My family’s pedigree comes from minangkabau in nagari Suliki district of Payakumbuh, West Sumatra (Father) and part of the Palembang Chinese descent (mother)

My Motivation and Worked :

CEO & CTO Udosen System, UNINDRA Informatics Engineering Lecturer and Motivator in the world of education to welcome the 4.0 industry for the new generation. I am also a lecturer in the informatics engineering study program at UNINDRA PGRI JAKARTA.

Level of Education

S2 Magister Tek. Informatika – Universitas Putra Indonesia “YPTK”
(Magister Database Science)
S1 Sistem Komputer – Universitas Putra Indonesia “YPTK”
(Bachelor Computer Science)
S1 Teknik Sipil – Institut Teknologi Sumatera
(Civil Engineering)
SMA N 2 Lubuk Pinang
(Senior High School)
Ponpes Tebu Ireng
(Junior High School)

Employment History

Year : 2011 – 2015
Company/Institution : Sushi Radio 99.1 FM – Radionya Orang Padang
Job Description/Posit ion : Broadcaster Radio (Penyiar Radio)
Proof of experience : LIHAT SK

Year : 2013 – 2015
Company/Institution : PT. Harian Umum Independen Singgalang
Job Description/Posit ion : Reporter Media (Wartawan)
Proof of experience : LIHAT SK

Year : 2015 – 2017
Company/Institution : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
Job Description/Posit ion : ICT Development (Pengembanga Sistem, Jaringan & IT Support )
Proof of experience : LIHAT SK

Year : 2018 – Now
Company/Institution : CV. NIO TEKNOLOGI – IT consultant and procurement
Job Description/Posit ion : Director (Founder)
Proof of experience : LIHAT AKTA CV

Year : 2019 – Now
Company/Institution : UNINDRA PGRI JAKARTA – (Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta)
Job Description/Posit ion : Lecturer (Teknik Informatika)
Proof of experience : LIHAT SK